Lyrogoniatites Miller and Furnish 1940 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Goniatitida - Cravenoceratidae

Parent taxon: Lyrogoniatitinae according to D. Korn and M. N. Sudar 2016

See also Furnish et al. 2009, Korn 2006, Kuzina and Yatskov 1990 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Alaoceras, Caenolyroceras, Dombarigloria, Tympanoceras

Subtaxa: Lyrogoniatites eisenbergensis Lyrogoniatites georgiensis Lyrogoniatites mediator Lyrogoniatites mutabilis Lyrogoniatites tener

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Type: Lyrogoniatites georgiensis

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Carboniferous of Kazakhstan (19 collections), the Russian Federation (4), Serbia and Montenegro (2), the United Kingdom (2)

Total: 27 collections including 30 occurrences

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