Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Latomeandridae
Alternative combination: Chorisastrea dubia
Belongs to Latomeandra according to O. F. Geyer 1955
Sister taxa: Latomaeandra labyrinthica, Latomeandra bonjouri, Latomeandra delemontana, Latomeandra ducreti, Latomeandra extensa, Latomeandra fromenteli, Latomeandra germaini, Latomeandra gresslyi, Latomeandra heimi, Latomeandra irregularis, Latomeandra isseli, Latomeandra juettneri, Latomeandra mayeri, Latomeandra minor, Latomeandra mitodaensis, Latomeandra obliqua, Latomeandra orthogrammica, Latomeandra plicata, Latomeandra ramosa, Latomeandra renevieri, Latomeandra richei, Latomeandra sinuosa, Latomeandra steini, Latimaeandra meyeri, Latimaeandra benoisti, Latimaeandra alaskana, Latimaeandra polymorpha, Latimaeandra eucystis
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder
• Jurassic of the Czech Republic (1 collection), Germany (3)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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