Insecta - Diptera - Pleciofungivoridae
Full reference: B. B. Rohdendorf. 1946. Evolyutsiya kryla i filogenez dlinnousykh dvukrylykh Oligoneura (Diptera, Nematocera). Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 13:1-108
Parent taxon: Fungivoritinae according to B. B. Rohdendorf 1946
See also Carpenter 1992
Sister taxa: Archipleciofungivora, Bryanka, Cretopleciofungivora, Eohesperinus, Fungivorites, Fungivoroplecia, Ghilaroviana, Krasnoyarskia, Matilia, Opiparifungivora, Pleciofungivora, Pleciofungivorella, Prohesperinus, Rhaetofungivora, Rohdendorfomyiella, Willihennigia, Mimalycoriinae
Subtaxa: Eoboletina gracilis
Type: Eoboletina gracilis
Distribution: found only at Karatau-Galkino (PIN collection 2452) (Jurassic of Kazakhstan)
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