Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Megadesmidae
Full reference: F. R. C. Reed. 1932. New fossils from the Agglomerate Slate of Kashmir. Palaeontogical Indica, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, New Series 20(1):1-79
Belongs to Astartila according to F. R. C. Reed 1932
Sister taxa: Astartila blatchfordi, Astartila condoni, Astartila fletcheri, Astartila intrepida, Astartila obscura, Astartila runnegari, Astartila salaria, Astartila sedgwicki, Astartila tumida
Type specimen: Its type locality is Bren Spur Horizon 1, which is in a Sakmarian coastal shale in the Agglomeratic Slate Formation of India
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Bren Spur Horizon 1
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