Kingopora ehrenbergi Geinitz 1846 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Cryptostomata - Reteporinidae

Alternative combinations: Gorgonia ehrenbergi, Phyllopora ehrenbergi, Phyllopora ehrenbergii, Protoretepora ehrenbergi

Synonyms: Phyllopora solida Korn 1930, Protoretepora solida Korn 1930, Retepora lonsdalii Howse 1848

Belongs to Kingopora according to A. Ernst 2001

See also Dreyer 1961, Geinitz 1861, Howse 1848, King 1849, King 1850, Langenhan 1899, Mansuy 1912 and Morozova 1970

Sister taxa: Kingopora baderi, Kingopora exigua, Kingopora inflata, Kingopora micropora, Kingopora parvifenestrata, Kingopora wardlawi, Phyllopora borealis, Phyllopora laubei, Phyllopora cribellum

Type specimens:

  • Kingopora ehrenbergi: Its type locality is Buchenberg, Possneck, Thuringen, which is in a Wuchiapingian reef, buildup or bioherm dolomite in the Zechstein Formation of Germany
  • Protoretepora solida:
  • Retepora lonsdalii:

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Germany (8 collections), Laos (1), Lithuania (4), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (2), the United Kingdom (7), United States (1: Nevada)

Total: 25 collections each including a single occurrence

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