Coeloscleritophora - Chancelloriida - Chancelloriidae
Full reference: C. Duan. 1984. Small shelly fossils from the Lower Cambrian Xihaoping Formation the Shennongjia district, Hubei Province - hyoliths and fossil skeletons of unknown affinities. Bulletin of the Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources 7:141-188
Belongs to Fangxianites according to C. Duan 1984
Sister taxa: Chancelloria arida, Chancelloria coronacea, Chancelloria eros, Chancelloria iranica, Chancelloria obliqua, Chancelloria odontodes, Chancelloria pentacta, Chancelloria primaria, Chancelloria racemifundis, Chancelloria sardinica, Chancelloria simmetrica, Chancelloria spinulosa, Chancelloria symmetrica, Fangxianites schizolomus, Actinoites universalis, Actinoites tetractina, Actinoites diclinatus, Actinoites simplex
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Fangxianites petalinus in the database
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