Bivalvia - Cardiidia - Sanguinolitidae
Alternative combination: Myonia (Myonia) bulkurensis
Full reference: K. A. Astafieva-Urbajtis. 1976. The genus Myonia (Bivalvia) in the Permian of the northeast of the USSR. Paleontological Journal 10(1):23-36
Belongs to Pachymyonia according to A. S. Biakov 2007
See also Astafieva-Urbajtis 1976 and Muromtseva and Guskov 1984
Sister taxa: Pachymyonia corrugata, Pachymyonia elata, Pachymyonia etheridgei, Pachymyonia morrisi, Pachymyonia occidentalis, Pachymyonia triangulata
Type specimen: VNIGRf Museum 804-1, a valve (Left valve). Its type locality is Left bank Lena River, above mouth of Bulkur River, which is in a Capitanian marine siliciclastic in the Dulgalakh Formation of the Russian Federation.
Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of the Russian Federation (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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