Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Plesiastreidae
Full reference: O. Kühn. 1933. Das Becken von Isfahan-Saidabad und seine altmiocäne Korallenfauna [The Isfahan-Saidabad Basin and its Miocene coral fauna]. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 79:143-221
Belongs to Plesiastrea according to O. Kühn 1933
Sister taxa: Plesiastrea californica, Plesiastrea costata, Plesiastrea fungiformis, Plesiastrea incerta, Plesiastrea microcalyx, Plesiastrea moravica, Plesiastrea sulcatilamellosa, Plesiastrea versipora
Type specimen: Its type locality is Kaleh-i-Sang, which is in a Burdigalian perireef or subreef limestone in the Saidabad Coral Limestone Formation of Iran
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal microcarnivore-photosymbiotic
• Miocene of Iran (2 collections)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Somalia (1)
• Oligocene of Somalia (2)
Total: 5 collections including 6 occurrences
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