†Eostromatopora Nestor 1999 (stromatoporoid sponge)
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Stromatoporoidea - Stromatoporida - Stromatoporidae
Full reference: H. Nestor. 1999. Telychian (lower Silurian) Stromatoporoids from the Charlestown Inlier, co. Mayo, Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 17:115-121
Parent taxon: Stromatoporidae according to H. Nestor 1999
Sister taxa: Climacostroma, Glyptostromoides, Lineastroma, Neosyringostroma, Pseudotrupetostroma, Stromaporidium, Stromatopora, Taleastroma
Subtaxa: none
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-photosymbiotic
Distribution: found only at Charlestown, Cloonnamna. Limestone Beds (Silurian of Ireland)
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