Bivalvia - Solenida - Solenidae
Alternative combination: Ensis ensis
Belongs to Solen according to S. V. Wood 1850
See also Holmes 1860
Sister taxa: Solen (Ensisolen), Solen (Hypogella), Solen (Solen), Solen clallamensis, Solen clarki, Solen columbianus, Solen cuneatus, Solen curtus, Solen dombeii, Solen domenginicus, Solen fonesi, Solen grandis, Solen intermedius, Solen lincolnensis, Solen lisbonensis, Solen marginatus, Solen novacularis, Solen rostriformis, Solen sicarius, Solen siliqua, Solen sordidus, Solen townsendensis, Solen vagina, Solen vaginoides
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Ireland (1 collection), Italy (1), the Netherlands (3), Poland (1), United States (1: South Carolina)
• Pliocene of Italy (1), the United Kingdom (6)
Total: 14 collections each including a single occurrence
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