†Kohatius coppensi Russell and Gingerich 1980 (tarsier)
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Mammalia - Primates - Omomyidae
Full reference: D. E. Russell and P. D. Gingerich. 1980. Un nouveau Primate omomyide dans l'Eocène du Pakistan. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie de Paris, Paris, Série D 291:621-624
Belongs to Kohatius according to D. E. Russell and P. D. Gingerich 1980
See also Gunnell et al. 2008
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: GSP-UM 139, a tooth (right lower M1). Its type locality is Chorlakki, which is in a Lutetian fluvial conglomerate in the Kuldana Formation of Pakistan.
Ecology: arboreal insectivore
• Eocene of Pakistan (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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