Ampliconus browni Eberle and Lillegraven 1998 (condylarth)

Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Periptychidae

Full reference: J. J. Eberle and J. A. Lillegraven. 1998. A new important record of earliest Cenozoic mammalian history. Rocky Mountain Geology 33(1):49-117

Belongs to Ampliconus according to J. J. Eberle and J. A. Lillegraven 1998

Sister taxon: Ampliconus antoni

Type specimen: UCM 34163, a partial skull (partial skull containing LP2-M3 and RP2-M3). Its type locality is Alexander, which is in a Puercan terrestrial shale/sandstone in the Denver Formation of Colorado.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Paleocene of United States (2: Colorado collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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