Schuchertella semiplana Waagen 1884 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Schuchertellidae

Alternative combinations: Orthotetes semiplanus, Streptorhynchus (Schuchertella) semiplana, Streptorhynchus semiplanum, Streptorhynchus semiplanus

Synonym: Streptorhynchus (Schuchertella) purdoni Reed 1944

Full reference: W. Waagen. 1884. Productus Limestone Fossils, Part IV, fas. 3. Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, Series 13 1(4):547-610

Belongs to Schuchertella according to J. I. Tazawa and K. Nakamura 2015

See also Angiolini and Carabelli 2010, Campi et al. 2005, Crippa and Angiolini 2012, Fantini Sestini 1965, Frech 1911, Lee and Gu 1980, Reed 1944, Schellwien 1892, Shen and He 1994, Shen and Shi 2007, Shimizu 1961, Waagen 1884, Yang 1984 and Yang et al. 1977

Sister taxa: Schuchertella bassa, Schuchertella beyrichi, Schuchertella bowdenensis, Schuchertella cooperi, Schuchertella costatula, Schuchertella fernglenensis, Schuchertella fushuiensis, Schuchertella gelaohoensis, Schuchertella guizhouensis, Schuchertella haraganensis, Schuchertella humboldtensis, Schuchertella lens, Schuchertella luliangensis, Schuchertella magna, Schuchertella missouriensis, Schuchertella nevadaensis, Schuchertella percha, Schuchertella probabilis, Schuchertella propinqua, Schuchertella quryatensis, Schuchertella radialis, Schuchertella resupinata, Schuchertella rubra, Schuchertella shenshuensis, Schuchertella subvexa, Schuchertella tapina, Streptorhynchus (Schuchertella) asperulus, Streptorhynchus (Schuchertella) praeceps

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of China (8 collections), Iran (5), Japan (3), Malaysia (1), Myanmar (1), Pakistan (16)

• Carboniferous of Italy (1)

Total: 35 collections each including a single occurrence

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