†tribe Stegotheriini Ameghino 1889 (edentate)
Alternative spellings: Stegotheridae, Stegotheriidae
Full reference: F. Ameghino. 1889. Contribución al conocimiento de los mamíferos fósiles de la República Argentina [Contribution to the knowledge of the fossil mammals of the Argentine Republic]. Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la República Argentina en Córdoba 6:xxxii-1027
Parent taxon: Dasypoda according to F. Ameghino 1902
See also Ameghino 1889, Ameghino 1891, Ameghino 1894, Carlini et al. 2010, Kramarz et al. 2005 and Rincón et al. 2008
Sister taxa: Chlamydophoridae, Peltateloidea, Peltateloidea, Praopidae
Subtaxa: Stegotherium
Type: Stegotherium
Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore