Damesites Matsumoto 1942 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Desmoceratidae

Alternative spelling: Damesiceras

Invalid subtaxa: Kotoceras Yabe 1927 [replaced name], Neokotoceras Anderson 1958

Parent taxon: Desmoceratinae according to W. J. Kennedy 2018

See also Anderson 1958, Howarth 1966, Jones 1963, Kennedy 1995, Kennedy and Klinger 2013, Matsumoto 1959, Sepkoski 2002, Shigeta and Izukura 2018, Summesberger 1980 and Wright et al. 1996

Sister taxa: Burckhardtites, Desmoceras, Desmophyllites, Microdesmoceras, Moremanoceras, Onitshoceras, Tragodesmoceroides

Subtaxa: Damesites ainuanus Damesites damesi Damesites hetonaiensis Damesites laticarinatus Damesites semicostatus Damesites sugata

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Type: Desmoceras damesi

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of Angola (3 collections), Austria (1), Brazil (1), Canada (3: British Columbia), France (5), India (2), Japan (35), the Russian Federation (4), South Africa (3), Spain (2), United States (15: Alaska, California, Wyoming)

Total: 74 collections including 80 occurrences

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