Order Cetacea Brisson 1762 (whale)

Mammalia - Cetacea

Alternative spellings: Cetaceae, Cetaceae, Cetacei

Synonym: Carnivorae Gray 1821

Full reference: M. J. Brisson. 1762. Regnum Animale in classes IX distributum, sive synopsis methodica, Ed. 2

Parent taxon: Whippomorpha according to D. R. Prothero et al. 2021

See also Abel 1919, Agnarsson and May-Collado 2008, Ameghino 1889, Andrews 1906, Archibald 1998, Arnason et al. 2004, Asher and Helgen 2010, Baird and Horner 1979, Barnes 1978, Barnes 1985, Berta 2017, Bianucci 1997, Bisconti 2007, Bisconti 2008, Bisconti and Bosselaers 2020, Bisconti and Varola 2006, Boessenecker and Fordyce 2015, Boisserie et al. 2011, Boisserie et al. 2005, Bronn 1853, Cahuzac et al. 2005, Canto et al. 2010, Carroll 1988, Case 1904, Cope 1875, Cope 1889, Flower 1883, Flower and Lydekker 1891, Gadow 1898, Geisler and Sanders 2003, Gingerich 2007, Gingerich et al. 2009, Godfrey et al. 2017, Gray 1821, Gregory 1910, Hampe 2006, Harland et al. 1967, Hay 1902, Hershkovitz 1966, Hulbert and Whitmore 2006, Jaekel 1911, Jefferson et al. 2024, Jefferson and Rosenbaum 2014, Leidy 1873, McKenna 1975, McKenna and Bell 1997, Montgelard et al. 1997, Nowak 1991, Parker and Haswell 1897, Pictet 1853, Sepkoski 2002, Simpson 1945, Spaulding et al. 2009, Thewissen and Hussain 1998, Thewissen et al. 2001, Thurmond and Jones 1981, Uhen 2004, Uhen et al. 2011, Ursing et al. 2000, Waddell et al. 1999, Whitmore 1984, Wilson and Reeder 2005 and Zittel 1925

Sister taxa: Anthracotheriodea, Hippopotamoidea, Cetaceamorpha

Subtaxa: Ambulocetidae Anarnak Anodontocete Archaeoceti Archaeocetus Argyrocetidae Balaenodea Balaenodontae Balaenoidorum Balanadae Berardiopsis miocaenus Berardiopsis pliocaenus Canis primigenius Cetotheriomorphus dubius Cetotherium priscum Cetotolites Globicephalus eocaenus Halicore maximovitschii Loncodelphis Manatus giganteus Mystacoceta Nanisocetus Neoballaenidae Odontocetoidea Otaria leclercii Oxypterus Pakicetidae Palaeocetus Pelagiceti Procetus Proteroceta Protocetidae Protocetoidea Remingtonocetidae Remingtonocetoidea Rhynchoceti Tretosphrys Zeugloceta Ziphius (Dolichodon) geelongensis

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