Thymops Holthuis 1974 (clawed lobster)
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Malacostraca - Decapoda - Nephropidae
Parent taxon: Nephropidae according to D. Tshudy and U. Sorhannus 2000
Sister taxa: Acanthacaris, Cardirhynchus, Dinochelus, Eunephrops, Homarinus, Homarus, Hoploparia, Jagtia, Metahomarus, Metanephrops, Nephropides, Nephropinae, Nephrops, Nephropsis, Notahomarus, Oncopareia, Palaeohomarus, Palaeonephrops, Paraclythia, Pseudohomarus, Thaumastocheles, Thaumastochelopsis, Thymopides, Thymopsis
Subtaxa: none
Ecology: infaunal carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Thymops in the database
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