Batrachosuchus browni Broom 1903 (tetrapod)

Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Brachyopidae

Full reference: R. Broom. 1903. On a new Stegocephalian (Batrachosuchus browni) from the Karroo Beds of Aliwal North, South Africa. Geological Magazine, New Series, Decade IV 10(11):499-501

Belongs to Batrachosuchus according to A. Warren and C. Marsicano 2000

See also Broom 1903, Damiani and Rubidge 2003 and Haughton 1925

Sister taxa: Batrachosuchus concordi, Batrachosuchus henwoodi

Type specimen: SAM 5868, a skull. Its type locality is Aliwal North Area, which is in an Anisian terrestrial siliciclastic in the Burgersdorp Formation of South Africa.

Ecology: amphibious carnivore

Distribution: found only at Aliwal North Area

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