Cryptangia reptans Chevalier 1961 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Rhizangiidae

Full reference: J. P. Chevalier. 1961. Recherches sur les Madreporaires et les formations recifales Miocenes de la Mediterranee occidentale [Miocene corals and reefs from the western Mediterranean]. Memoires de la Societe geologique de France 93:1-562

Belongs to Cryptangia according to J. P. Chevalier 1961

Sister taxon: Cryptangia alloiteaui

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Pliocene of France (3 collections)

• Miocene of France (6)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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