Crassispirifer striatiformis Zhang 1976 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae

Alternative combination: Neospirifer striatiformis

Full reference: S. X. Zhang. 1976. Taxonomic names, in Late Paleozoic brachiopods from the Mount Jolmo Lungma region. A Report of the Scientific Expedition in the Mount Jolmo Lungma Region (1966-1968) 2:159-271

Belongs to Crassispirifer according to N. W. Archbold and G. A. Thomas 1985

See also Zhang 1976

Sister taxa: Crassispirifer acuta, Crassispirifer broilii, Crassispirifer chospochtschonicus, Crassispirifer condoni, Crassispirifer galinae, Crassispirifer jakuschewae, Crassispirifer kimberleyensis, Crassispirifer koargychanensis, Crassispirifer monumentalis, Crassispirifer pinguis, Crassispirifer rostalinus, Crassispirifer timorensis, Crassispirifer transversa

Type specimen: IGAS 01034, a valve (Ventral valve). Its type locality is Qubu Section JSPf22, Tingri County, which is in a Changhsingian marine horizon in the Qubuerga Formation of China.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of China (1 collection), Pakistan (10)

Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence

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