Gogia granulosa Robison 1965

Eocrinoidea - Gogiida - Eocrinidae

Belongs to Gogia according to Robison 1965

Sister taxa: Gogia guntheri, Gogia hobbsi, Gogia kitchnerensis, Gogia longidactylus, Gogia multibrachiatus, Gogia ojenai, Gogia palmeri, Gogia parsleyi, Gogia prolifica, Gogia spiralis, Gogia stephenensis, Eocrinus multibrachiatus, Eocrinus longidactylus

Type specimen: UU 1001

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Delamaran of Mexico (1 collection), United States (1: Utah)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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