Echinoidea - Clypeasteroida - Echinarachniidae
Full reference: R. A. Linder, J. W. Durham, and W. N. Orr. 1988. New late Oligocene echinoids from the central western cascades of Oregon. Journal of Paleontology 62(6):945-958
Belongs to Kewia according to R. A. Linder et al. 1988
Sister taxa: Kewia blancoensis, Kewia fairbanksi, Kewia kannoi, Kewia kehoei, Kewia lituyaensis, Kewia tachilniensis
Type specimen: UCMP 38207, a test. Its type locality is UCMP loc. 10568, Wilhoit [Marquam Mbr, Scotts Mills Fm], which is in a Chattian shallow subtidal sandstone in the Scotts Mills Formation of Oregon.
Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal detritivore
• Oligocene of United States (2: Oregon collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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