Chondrichthyes - Euselachii - Agaleidae
Full reference: C. J. Duffin and D. J. Ward. 1983. Teeth of a new neoselachian shark from the British Lower Jurassic. Palaeontology 26(4):839-844
Belongs to Agaleus according to S. Stumpf and J. Kriwet 2019
See also Biddle 1993, Delsate 2001, Duffin and Ward 1983, Rees 1998 and Rees 2000
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: BMNH P.60788, a tooth. Its type locality is Church Cliff, Lyme Regis (BMNH Fish), which is in a Sinemurian marine horizon in the Blue Lias Formation of the United Kingdom.
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
• Jurassic of Denmark (1 collection), France (5), Germany (2), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (2)
Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence
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