Insecta - Coleoptera - Phoroschizidae
Full reference: A. G. Ponomarenko. 1969. Istoricheskoe Razvitie Zhestkokrylykh-Arkhostemat [Historical Development of the Archostomate Beetles]. Trudy Akademiya Nauk SSSR 125:1-240
Parent taxon: Schizophoridae according to A. G. Kirejtshuk and A. A. Prokin 2018
See also Carpenter 1992 and Ponomarenko 1969
Sister taxa: Phoroschizus, Salebrocoleus, Tersoides, Tersus, Parathnesidius, Malmelater, Catabrycus, Homocatabrycus, Sinoschizala, Hadeocoleodes, Menopraesagus, Praesagus, Pesus, Schizophoroides, Camaricopterus, Abrohadeocoleodes, Schizophorinus, Dikerocoleus, Xyphosternum, Sodovia, Salebroferus, Triassocoleus, Thnesidius, Lethocoleus
Subtaxa: Hadeocoleus catachtonius Hadeocoleus gigas Hadeocoleus pelopius
• Triassic of Kyrgyzstan (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections including 7 occurrences
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