Gastropoda - Heterostropha - Nerineidae
Parent taxon: Nerineidae according to T. Kase 1984
Sister taxa: Adiozoptyxinae, Aphanoptyxis, Cossmannea, Diptyxis, Favria, Itieria, Nerinoidinae, Plesioptyxis, Polyptyxis
Subtaxa: Archimedea Nerinea Turbinea
Ecology: epifaunal
• Cretaceous of Albania (2 collections), Algeria (5), Angola (4), Chile (1), Croatia (1), Egypt (14), France (10), Gabon (1), Germany (4), Greece (1), Hungary (3), Italy (6), Japan (4), Libya (3), Mexico (11), Mozambique (2), Portugal (7), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (1), Switzerland (17), the United Kingdom (2), United States (5: Arizona, California, Texas), Venezuela (4)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Romania (1)
• Jurassic of Argentina (1), China (1), Cuba (1), Ethiopia (11), France (7), Germany (5), Indonesia (1), Italy (3), Lebanon (1), Mexico (1), Morocco (2), New Zealand (1), Poland (5), Portugal (14), Saudi Arabia (22), Slovenia (2), Somalia (8), Tanzania (2), Tunisia (21), the United Kingdom (5), United States (8: California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 232 collections including 305 occurrences