Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Hamitidae
Alternative spelling: Plictetia
Parent taxon: Hamitidae according to J. Lehmann et al. 2016
See also Hoffmann et al. 2013, Lehmann et al. 2013, Rodda and Murphy 1992, Sepkoski 2002 and Wright et al. 1996
Sister taxa: Hamitella, Hamites, Helicohamites, Hemiptychoceras, Lytohamites, Metaptychoceras, Planohamites, Puebloites, Scaphamites, Stomohamites, Torneutoceras
Subtaxa: Pictetia astieriana Pictetia depressa
Type: Crioceras astierianum
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Cretaceous of Argentina (1 collection), Canada (3: British Columbia), France (2), Germany (2), Japan (1), Madagascar (4), Switzerland (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (2: California)
Total: 18 collections including 19 occurrences
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