Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Kraussinidae
Alternative combination: Anomia truncata
Synonyms: Megerlia orientalis Stevanovic 1964, Terebratula oblita Michelotti 1847
Belongs to Megerlia according to M. A. Bitner and A. Müller 2022
See also Bertolaso et al. 2009, Bitner 1990, Bitner et al. 2013, Bitner and Martinell 2001, Bitner and Motchurova-Dekova 2016, Bitner et al. 2013, Dulai 2010, Dulai 2019, Elliott 1960, Gaetani and Sacca 1985, García Ramos 2004, Koskeridou 2007, Mikuz 2011, Popiel-Barczyk and Barczyk 1990 and Taddei Ruggiero and Taddei 2006
Sister taxa: Megerlia acrura, Megerlia dubitanda, Megerlia echinata, Megerlia eusticta, Megerlia gigantea, Megerlia granosa, Megerlia margaritata, Pantellaria monstruosa
Subtaxa: Megerlia truncata monstruosa
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Greece (2 collections), Italy (13)
• Pliocene of Italy (1), Spain (2), Syria (1)
• Miocene of Algeria (1), Bulgaria (1), the Czech Republic (2), Italy (7), Poland (12), Romania (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (1)
• Oligocene of France (1), Germany (3)
Total: 49 collections including 50 occurrences
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