†Triadobatrachus Kuhn 1962 (frogs and relatives)
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Synonym: Protobatrachus Piveteau 1936 [replaced name]
Parent taxon: Salientia according to J. S. Anderson et al. 2008
See also Carroll 1988, Evans and Borsuk-Bialynicka 1998, Gardner 2001, Kuhn 1964, Maddin et al. 2012, Rage and Roček 1989 and Sanchiz 1998
Sister taxa: Anura, Czatkobatrachus, Lutetiobatrachus, Notobatrachidae, Notobatrachus, Ostrombatrachos
Subtaxa: Triadobatrachus massinoti
Ecology: amphibious carnivore
Distribution: found only at Betsieka (Triassic of Madagascar)
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