Parent taxon: Ginkgoales according to T.E. Pedernera et al. 2019
See also Andrews 1970, Chandra and Tewari 1991, Dobruskina 1995, Holmes 1982, Jain and Delevoryas 1967, Meyen 1984 and Retallack 1981
Sister taxa: Baieroxylon, Bavaricutis, Caucasia, Eoginkgoites, Eretmophyllum, Euryspatha, Ginkgoaceae, Ginkgoxylon, Gondwanophyton, Handapaphyllum, Permophyllum, Phyllotenia, Pseudoginkgo, Pseudotorelliaceae, Schmeissneriaceae, Toretziaceae, Umaltolepidiaceae, Windwardia
Subtaxa: Sphenobaiera africana Sphenobaiera argentinae Sphenobaiera chilensis Sphenobaiera granulifer Sphenobaiera janarensis Sphenobaiera pontifolia Sphenobaiera spectabilis Sphenobaiera tenuifolia Sphenobaiera ugotheriensis
Type: Sphenobaiera spectabilis
• Eocene of Chile (1 collection)
• Cretaceous of Canada (1: British Columbia), the Russian Federation (3), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), United States (5: Alaska, South Dakota)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Canada (1: British Columbia), the Russian Federation (5)
• Jurassic of China (39), Georgia (7), Germany (2), Greenland (11), Japan (3), Kazakhstan (17), Kyrgyzstan (1), Mexico (1), Mongolia (4), Poland (1), Romania (10), the Russian Federation (100), Tajikistan (17), the United Kingdom (14), Uzbekistan (5)
• Triassic to Jurassic of Canada (2: Northwest Territories), Georgia (2), Sweden (1)
• Triassic of Argentina (6), Australia (1), Chile (3), China (22), India (1), Iran (2), Kyrgyzstan (2), Lesotho (3), Mongolia (2), New Zealand (2), the Russian Federation (15), South Africa (32), South Korea (4), Sweden (2), Switzerland (1), Ukraine (5), United States (2: Virginia)
• Permian of Canada (1: Nunavut), China (5), France (1), Germany (10), Italy (2), Morocco (2), the Russian Federation (4), South Africa (1), the United Kingdom (2)
• Carboniferous of Germany (2)
Total: 390 collections including 516 occurrences
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