Fordonia lavocati Marandat 1989 (eutherian)

Mammalia - Leptictida - Pseudorhyncocyonidae

Full reference: B. Marandat. 1989. Mammiferes nouveaux de l'Ilerdien des Corbieres et du Minervois (Bas-Languedoc, France). Palaeovertebrata 19(3):161-167

Belongs to Fordonia according to J. J. Hooker 2013

See also Marandat 1989

Sister taxon: Fordonia lawsoni

Type specimen: USTL.FDN-132, a tooth (Left P4). Its type locality is Fordones, which is in an Eocene fluvial siliciclastic in the Calcaire de Ventenac Formation of France.

Ecology: scansorial insectivore


• Eocene of France (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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