Somalirhynchia bihenensis Muir-Wood 1935 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Tetrarhynchiidae

Full reference: H. M. Muir-Wood. 1935. Jurassic Brachiopoda. The Mesozoic Palaeontology of British Somaliland, Geology and Palaeontology of British Somaliland, II 75-147

Belongs to Somalirhynchia according to H. M. Muir-Wood 1935

Sister taxa: Somalirhynchia africana, Somalirhynchia arabica, Somalirhynchia bihendulensis, Somalirhynchia jordanica, Somalirhynchia moeschi, Somalirhynchia prearabica, Somalirhynchia smelliei, Somalirhynchia somalica, Somalirhynchia stefaninii, Somalirhynchia sutherlandi, Somalirhynchia tumida

Type specimen: Its type locality is Bihendula, which is in a Callovian/Oxfordian shallow subtidal limestone in the Bihen Limestone Formation of Somalia

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Jurassic of Egypt (2 collections), Eritrea (1), Somalia (3), Tunisia (2)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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