Acanthocrinus benedettoi Haude 2004 (crinoid)

Crinoidea - Diplobathrida - Rhodocrinitidae

Full reference: R. Haude. 2004. Morphology and paleobiology of echinoderms in the Lower Devonian of the Argentine Precordillera. In Echinoderm: München, Heinzeller & Nebelsick (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London 417-419

Belongs to Acanthocrinus according to R. Haude 2004

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Holotype CEGH-UNC 21506

Ecology: stationary upper-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Talacasto Formation Echinoderms, southwestern Jachal, Argentine Precordillera (Devonian of Argentina)

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