Yochelcionella snorkorum Vendrasco et al. 2010 (mollusk)

Helcionelloida - Helcionellida - Yochelcionellidae

Full reference: M. J. Vendrasco, S. M. Porter, A. Kouchinsky, G. Li, and C. Z. Fernandez. 2010. New data on molluscs and their shell microstructures from the Middle Cambrian Gowers Formation, Australia. Palaeontology 53(1):97-135

Belongs to Yochelcionella according to M. J. Vendrasco et al. 2010

Sister taxa: Yochelcionella aichalica, Yochelcionella americana, Yochelcionella angustiplicata, Yochelcionella chinensis, Yochelcionella crassa, Yochelcionella cyrano, Yochelcionella daleki, Yochelcionella erecta, Yochelcionella gracilis, Yochelcionella greenlandica, Yochelcionella ostentata, Yochelcionella pelmani, Yochelcionella saginata, Yochelcionella stylifera

Type specimen: CPC 39760, a shell. Its type locality is Section 417, Georgina Basin, Thorntonia Area, which is in a Floran sand shoal lime mudstone in the Gowers Formation of Australia.

Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal grazer


• Cambrian of Australia (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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