Reptilia - Diapsida - Tanystropheidae
Full reference: F. v. Huene. 1902. Übersicht über die Reptilien der Trias [Review of the Reptilia of the Triassic]. Geologische und Paläontologische Abhandlungen (Neue Serie). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 6:1-84
Belongs to Procerosaurus according to O. Kuhn 1971
See also Huene 1902, Huene 1914, Kuhn 1939 and Schmidt 1938
Sister taxa: Chelyzoon, Chelyzoon blezingeri, Chelyzoon latum, Nothosaurus blezingeri, Tanystrophaeus posthumus, Tanystropheus biharicus, Tanystropheus conspicuus, Tanystropheus haasi, Tanystropheus hydroides, Tanystropheus longobardicus, Tanystropheus meridensis, Pectenosaurus strunzi, Tribelesodon longobardicus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Olmühle, Crailsheim, which is in a Triassic terrestrial horizon in Germany
Ecology: ground dwelling piscivore
Distribution: found only at Olmühle, Crailsheim
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