Xiphothecaella longa Kozur and Mock 1981 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Xiphothecaellidae

Alternative combination: Xiphotheca longa

Belongs to Xiphothecaella according to De Wever and O´Dogherty 2007

Sister taxa: Xiphothecaella brevicaudata, Xiphothecaella elegans, Xiphothecaella karpenissionensis, Xiphothecaella longicaudata, Xiphothecaella munda, Xiphothecaella orchardi, Xiphothecaella procera, Xiphothecaella rugosa, Xiphothecaella strigosa

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Triassic of Canada (1: British Columbia collection), Cyprus (6), Turkey (20), United States (1: Oregon)

Total: 28 collections each including a single occurrence

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