Moenkopia wellesi Schaeffer and Gregory 1961 (coelacanth)

Coelacanthimorpha - Coelacanthiformes - Coelacanthidae

Full reference: B. Schaeffer and J. T. Gregory. 1961. Coelacanth fishes from the continental Triassic of the western United States. American Museum Novitates 2036:1-18

Belongs to Moenkopia according to Schaeffer and Gregory 1961

See also Forey 1998 and Schultze 2004

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: UMCP 36193, a partial skull (Basisphenoid). Its type locality is Holbrook quarry, UCMP V3922, which is in an Aegean/Bithynian fine channel fill siltstone in the Moenkopi Formation of Arizona.

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore


• Triassic of United States (2: Arizona collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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