Protozoa - Spumellaria - Relindellidae
Full reference: P. Dumitrica, H. Kozur, and H. Mostler. 1980. Contribution to the radiolarian fauna of the Middle Triassic of the southern Alps. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 10(1):1-46
Belongs to Pentaspongodiscus according to P. Dumitrica et al. 1980
Sister taxa: Pentaspongodiscus anisicus, Pentaspongodiscus dihexacanthus, Pentaspongodiscus discoides, Pentaspongodiscus spinosus, Pentaspongodiscus symmetricus, Pentaspongodiscus tortilis, Relindella hexaspinosa
Type specimen: Its type locality is San Ulderico, Tretto, VCB1, which is in an Illyrian/Fassanian basinal (carbonate) limestone in the Buchenstein Formation of Italy
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore
• Triassic of Italy (1 collection), Slovenia (8), Thailand (3)
Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence
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