Hyolitha - Orthothecida - Circothecidae
Alternative combination: Circotheca subcurvata
Synonyms: Circotheca longiconica Qian 1978, Circotheca maidipingensis Yu 1974, Circotheca multisulcata Qian 1978, Circotheca nana Qian 1978, Circotheca obesa Qian 1978, Ovalitheca acuticostata Xing and Yue 1984, Paracircotheca zhaojiabaensis Qian 1989
Full reference: W. Yü. 1974. Cambrian hyoliths. Handbook of the stratigraphy and palaeontology of southwest China 111-113
Belongs to Conotheca according to Y. Qian and S. Bengtson 1989
See also Azmi and Pancholi 1983, Chen 1984, Parkhaev and Demidenko 2010 and Yü 1974
Sister taxa: Conotheca australiensis, Conotheca brevica, Conotheca circumflexa, Conotheca corniformis, Conotheca curta, Conotheca dahaiensis, Conotheca mammilata, Conotheca ningqiangensis, Conotheca rotunda, Conotheca shennongjiaensis
Type specimens:
- Conotheca subcurvata: GPIN 19039
- Circotheca longiconica:
- Circotheca maidipingensis:
- Circotheca multisulcata:
- Circotheca nana:
- Circotheca obesa:
- Ovalitheca acuticostata:
- Paracircotheca zhaojiabaensis:
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
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