Bivalvia - Cardiida - Psammobiidae
Alternative combination: Sanguinolaria toulai
Full reference: L. G. Hertlein and E. K. Jordan. 1927. Paleontology of the Miocene of Lower California. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences 16(19):605-647
Belongs to Nuttallia according to E. J. Moore 2003
See also Hertlein and Jordan 1927 and Loel and Corey 1932
Sister taxa: Nuttallia alata, Nuttallia howardi, Nuttallia nuttallii, Nuttallia salina, Nuttallia townsendensis
Type specimen: LSJU (no number), a shell. Its type locality is LSJU Loc. 66, San Ignacio [Isidro Fm], which is in a Miocene marine sandstone in the Isidro Formation of Mexico.
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal deposit feeder
• Miocene of Mexico (2 collections), United States (2: California)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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