Bivalvia - Ostreida - Gryphaeidae
Parent taxon: Exogyrinae according to H. E. Vokes 1980
See also Bouchet et al. 2010, Ronchetti 1970 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Amphidonteini, Ceratostreon, Costagyra, Exogyra, Exogyrini, Fluctogyra, Ilymatogyra, Nanogyrini, Nutogyra, Planospirites, Rhynchostreon, Vultogryphaea
Subtaxa: Nanogyra (Nanogyra) Nanogyra (Palaeogyra) Nanogyra auricularis Nanogyra crassa Nanogyra monoptera
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of United States (8: Florida, North Carolina collections)
• Pliocene of United States (15: Florida, North Carolina, Virginia)
• Cretaceous of Germany (1), the United Kingdom (4)
• Jurassic of Afghanistan (2), Chile (55), China (7), Cuba (2), Egypt (2), Eritrea (13), Ethiopia (12), France (90), Germany (26), Greenland (8), India (107), Iran (1), Israel (1), Japan (4), Kenya (8), Madagascar (2), Mexico (3), Poland (2), Portugal (67), Romania (1), Saudi Arabia (35), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Somalia (11), Spain (25), Switzerland (5), Tanzania (4), Tunisia (2), the United Kingdom (128), Yemen (24)
Total: 677 collections including 714 occurrences
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