Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinoidae
Alternative spelling: Chlamys (Palliolum)
Parent taxon: Palliolinae according to R. Marquet 2002
See also Bouchet et al. 2010, Durham 1944, Sepkoski 2002, Waller 2011 and Wienrich 1999
Sister taxa: Adamussiini, Dhondtichlamys, Eburneopectinini, Lissochlamys, Mesopeplini, Palliolini, Pseudamussium, Pseudentoliini, Serripectinini, Hemipecten
Subtaxa: Palliolum (Lissochlamis) Palliolum (Parvochlamys) Palliolum cibaoense Palliolum gerardi Palliolum guersi Palliolum mellevillei Palliolum tigrinum
Ecology: epifaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of the United Kingdom (1 collection)
• Pliocene of Belgium (6), Greece (1), the Netherlands (1), Portugal (1), the United Kingdom (7)
• Miocene to Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (1), United States (1: Alaska)
• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (3), Germany (3), Morocco (2), the Netherlands (1), Poland (1), Slovakia (2)
• Oligocene of Austria (1), Denmark (4), Germany (1)
• Eocene of Belgium (1), France (1)
Total: 39 collections including 50 occurrences
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