Balatonia robusta Fan et al. 1991 (sponge)

Disjectoporidae - Disjectoporidae

Full reference: J. S. Fan, J. K. Rigby, and W. Zhang. 1991. "Hydrozoa" from Middle and Upper Permian reefs of south China. Journal of Paleontology 65(1):45-68

Belongs to Balatonia according to J. S. Fan et al. 1991

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: IG L-1-002. Its type locality is Dongnameng, Guangnan County, which is in a Wordian reef, buildup or bioherm framestone in the Maokou Formation of China.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of China (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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