Aves - Odontopterygiformes - Pelagornithidae
Alternative combination: Pelagornis orri
Full reference: H. Howard. 1957. A gigantic "toothed" marine bird from the Miocene of California. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Department of Geology Bulletin 1:1-23
Belongs to Osteodontornis according to A. Wetmore 1960
See also Cenizo et al. 2015, Harrison and Walker 1976, Howard 1957, Howard 1968, Howard 1972, Howard 1978, Mayr et al. 2007, Mayr and Rubilar-Rogers 2010 and Olson 1985
Sister taxon: Pseudodontornis tenuirostris
Type specimen: SBMNH 309, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is Tepusquet Creek, which is in a Miocene marine shale/limestone in the Monterey Formation of California.
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
• Miocene of United States (6: California collections)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence
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