Kabirmys qarunensis Sallam et al. 2010 (rodent)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Nementchamyidae

Full reference: H. M. Sallam, E. R. Seiffert, E. L. Simons and C. Brindley. 2010. A large-bodied anomaluroid rodent from the earliest late Eocene of Egypt: phylogenetic and biogeographic implications. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(5):1579-1593

Belongs to Kabirmys according to H. M. Sallam et al. 2010

Sister taxon: Kabirmys prius

Type specimen: CGM 83698, a mandible (right mandible with m1–2). Its type locality is Birket Qarun 2, which is in a Priabonian channel sandstone in the Birket Qarun Formation of Egypt.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: found only at Birket Qarun 2

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