Full reference: H. Mostler. 1972. Neue Holothurien-Sklerite aus der Trias der Nördlichen Kalkalpen. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 2(7):1-34
Belongs to Kuehnites according to H. Mostler 1972
Sister taxa: Kuehnites aequiperforatus, Kuehnites andrusovi, Kuehnites dumosus, Kuehnites hallstattensis, Kuehnites inaequalis, Kuehnites serratus, Kuehnites slovakensis, Kuehnites spiniperforatus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Kälbersteinbruch, Berchtesgarten, which is in a Lacian marine limestone in the Hallstätterkalk Formation of Germany
Ecology: shallow infaunal detritivore
• Triassic of Germany (1 collection), Slovenia (1)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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