†family Pteranodontidae Marsh 1876 (pterosaur)

Reptilia - Pterosauria - Pteranodontidae

Synonyms: Ornithostomatidae Williston 1893, Ornithostomatinae Williston 1897

Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1876. Notice of a new sub-order of Pterosauria. American Journal of Science 11:507-509

Parent taxon: Pteranodontia according to D. M. Unwin 2003

See also Bennett 1989, Bennett 1994, Charig 1967, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Kellner 2010, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Marsh 1876, Murry et al. 1991, Padian 1984, Roxo 1937, Unwin and Lü 1997, Wang and Zhou 2006, Williston 1897, Young 1964 and Zittel 1890

Sister taxa: Alamodactylus, Aponyctosauria, Ornithocheiroidea, Pteranodon

Subtaxa: Azhdarchinae Dawndraco Geosternbergia Santanadactylus Tethydraco Volgadraco

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Ecology: volant piscivore


• Cretaceous of Australia (1 collection), Brazil (1), Japan (1), Morocco (4), Peru (1), the Russian Federation (3), United States (3: California, Kansas, South Dakota)

Total: 14 collections including 15 occurrences

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