Fusispirifer coolkilyaensis Archbold 1988 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae

Full reference: N. W. Archbold. 1988. Brachiopod taxonomic names, in Brachiopods and bivalves of Kungurian (late Early Permian) age from the top of the Coolkilya Sandstone, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Report - Geological Survey of Western Australia 23:1-15

Belongs to Fusispirifer according to N. W. Archbold 1988

Sister taxa: Fusispirifer avicula, Fusispirifer byroensis, Fusispirifer carnarvonensis, Fusispirifer cundlegoensis, Fusispirifer gegyaiensis, Fusispirifer jini, Fusispirifer kedonensis, Fusispirifer kennediensis, Fusispirifer legrandblainae, Fusispirifer marcouiformis, Fusispirifer nitiensis, Fusispirifer quinnaniensis, Fusispirifer semiplicata, Fusispirifer subovalis, Fusispirifer wandageensis, Spirifera avicula, Transversaria pauciplicus

Type specimen: GSWA F43786. Its type locality is East side of Wandagee Hill, which is in a Roadian coastal sandstone in the Coolkilya Formation of Australia.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at East side of Wandagee Hill

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