†family Tritheledontidae Broom 1912
Osteichthyes - Therapsida - Tritheledontidae
Full reference: R. Broom. 1912. On a new type of cynodont from the Stormberg. Annals of the South African Museum 7(5):334-336
Parent taxon: Mammaliamorpha according to A. K. Huttenlocker et al. 2018
See also Bonaparte 2012, Carroll 1988, Kemp 1982, Martinelli and Rougier 2007 and Martinez et al. 1996
Sister taxa: Brasilodontia, Mammaliaformes
Subtaxa: Chalimininae Diarthrognathus Elliotherium Irajatherium Pachygenelus Pachygenelus milleri Pattsia Riograndia Tritheledon
Type: Tritheledon
• Jurassic of Canada (3: Nova Scotia collections), Lesotho (2), South Africa (11)
• Triassic of Argentina (4), Brazil (4), United States (2: Texas)
Total: 26 collections including 29 occurrences