Amphictis prolongata Morlo 1996 (red panda)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Ailuridae

Full reference: M. Morlo. 1996. Carnivoren aus dem Unter-Miozän des Mainzer Beckens. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 76(1/2):193-249

Belongs to Amphictis according to M. Morlo 1996

See also Baskin et al. 2020

Sister taxa: Amphictis aginensis, Amphictis ambigua, Amphictis antiqua, Amphictis borbonica, Amphictis cuspida, Amphictis milloquensis, Amphictis schlosseri, Amphictis timucua, Amphictis wintershofensis

Type specimen: SMFM 5791, a mandible (L mandibular fragment with P2-M2). Its type locality is Weisenau, which is in a MN 1 terrestrial horizon in Germany.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore-omnivore


• Miocene of Germany (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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