†Diarcuipenna bennettitophila Ponomarenko 2011 (beetle)
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Insecta - Coleoptera - Permosynidae
Full reference: A. G. Ponomarenko. 2011. Taxonomic names, in First beetle elytra, abdomen (Coleoptera) and a mine trace from Lunz (Carnian, Late Triassic, Lunz-am-See, Austria) and their taphonomic and evolutionary aspects. Palaeontology 54(1):97-110
Belongs to Diarcuipenna according to A. G. Ponomarenko 2011
Sister taxon: Diarcuipenna heterosa
Type specimen: GBA 2009/060/0003b, an elytra. Its type locality is Rudolfstollen waste heap, Seekopf Ridge, Lunz, which is in a Carnian fluvial-deltaic shale in the Lunz Formation of Austria.
Distribution: found only at Rudolfstollen waste heap, Seekopf Ridge, Lunz
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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